Friday, August 24, 2012

24 August - Day 123 - from Feasting to Fast on our Feet

From Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood (Mile 2107.3) to cowboy camp on windy ridge (Mile 2132) facing out toward Mt St Helen's, Mt Rainier and Mt Adams in the nearby State of Washington.

Total PCT Miles hiked today: 24.7

Sean-o here. Creek frozen this morning.

Five am wake- up call provided by the sound-check crew for today's relay race. We were not amused ... Actually, we were. One of the habits of mind from the hike is finding amusement in difficult circumstances and riffing on it until we're roaring with laughter.

Looking south from Mt. Hood -- we see Mt. Jefferson and the smudges from the fire.

Mt. Jefferson, where we were camped not long ago.

It helped that there was a magnifico buffet waiting at the lodge.

This was no run-of-the-mill effort. Each dish was unique, the pastries were all fresh-baked, and it was the best fruit I've had on the trail. The OJ was fresh out of the squeezer, too. We've really been thrilled when we encounter a place that puts attention and creativity into what comes out of its kitchen. It must seem like we pay an inordinate amount of attention on food out here, and we do, but that's because our day-in eats are so unremarkable.

We resupplied there (we sent ourselves boxes of food) but it was tough to leave. I did have a chance to talk to me mum, having found out from my Sis that Mom will be going in for a medical procedure on Sept 4. By all accounts, it's a minor bit of repair to her ticker, but it still knocked me off my emotional pins for a bit. She was very clear that she was fine and not to worry and go out and finish up "our big adventure." That's the plan, but I won't be hiking easy next Tues till I hear she's doing okay. I plan to get back to Wisconsin for a visit ASAP in October.

On we went through the subalpine landscape of this magnificent volcano. Though someplaces in the Cascades are starting the autumn turn, all across Hood the summer wildflowers are showy as can be.

Mt. Hood

Our campsite for the night was off the volcano to the north, on a windy ridge facing the next volcanoes: Mt Adams and Mt St Helen's. They are across the Columbia Gorge, in the State of Washington. Wow. Almost there.

Clouds that scuffed across Hood yesterday are still around today. Moist Pacific air.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't realized I could post a comment until now! I love reading of your adventures and imagining the scenes you describe. The pics are always the best tho! I love seeing your grubby faces and shinng eyes. Sean, I hadn't realized how much you and Jake favored each other!
    My love stays with you all! God's blessings!
